Presented by Deep Media AI (See our other research in Deepfake Detection here)

Published: 2024 - 07 - 01

Updated: 2024 - 09 - 01

Dataset ID: 240705-FB1CD9


Unveiling The World’s Largest Public Benchmark for High-Fidelity GenAI Voice Detection

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Now that Generative AI can produce hyper-realistic voice content with unprecedented speed and fidelity, the threat of audio-based AI Disinformation has rapidly evolved from a theoretical concern to an urgent societal challenge. As the gold standard in Deepfake Detection and AI Disinformation Security, Deep Media stands at the forefront of combating this escalating digital crisis.

Generative AI Model/Service Breakdown

Generative AI Model/Service Breakdown

We are proud to introduce our groundbreaking Deepfake Detection In-The-Wild Benchmark dataset for GenAI Voice detection, a critical resource for our government, enterprise, and academic research partners:

We invite researchers, institutions, and technology platforms to leverage this dataset in advancing the field of robust deepfake detection in voice. Together, we can develop next-generation safeguards against audio-based digital deception and preserve the integrity of our shared information ecosystem.